Total: $23,600
Go to Shopping Cart“Discovering Canada’s great wealth of natural splendor has stimulated my interest of painting landscapes, which is presently becoming the most prominent theme in my work. Capturing my personal thoughts and feelings along with the beauty in front of my eyes is the most important aspect to me. Many of my clients HAVE mentioned that my work reminds them of stained glass. I often outline images in my work in thin dark lines. To me, it is one of the final steps in which I try to elevate the energy of the entire piece. Outlined, the colours become brisk and vibrant, the shapes gain a deeper personality.
Painting for me is the process in which some of my thoughts get a chance to become visible, a continues journey of self-discovery and self-expression. My paintings are experimental as I strive to best represent a thought or a feeling that I am living through. Using mixed media I constantly try new techniques rather than remain stagnant in one place. My life’s works represent both, change in technique and subject matter. My art is a journey in which I hope to find answers to some of the life’s most difficult and universal questions.”
Eduard was born in 1969 in Ukraine. He immigrated to Canada in 1992 and settled in Toronto where he currently lives with his wife and two children. Since 1993, Eduard has run a home-based art studio where he creates his own art and instructs aspiring artists of all ages. His educational background consists of a BFA from the University of the city of Lvov (Ukraine) and a diploma in illustration from Sheridan College (Canada).
1997 | Interpretive Illustration, Diploma of Applied Arts. Sheridan College, Oakville, Canada |
1991 | BFA, Bachelor of Applied Arts. Polytechnic University of Lvov, Ukraine |
1987 | Post-Graduate Certificate in Fine Arts. Mukachevo School of Fine Arts, Ukraine |
2012 | Gallery On The Lake |
2010 | Gallery 533 Solo Art Exhibition “From One Man to Another” |
1997 | Manulife Centre Solo Personal Art Show sponsored by Carrot Magazine. Toronto |
1995 | Solo Personal Show in “Joe DiMaggio’s Wet Paint Café”. Toronto, Canada Solo Personal Show in Russian Canadian Private Club. Toronto, Canada |
2014 | Toronto Outdoor Art Exhibitions (upcoming) McMichael Annual Art Show (upcoming) |
2011 | Wasaga Beach Group Art Show, Ontario Solo Art Exhibition at The Gallery on the Lake-Buckhorn, Ontario Toronto Art Expo Annual Exhibition. Toronto, Ontario, Canada New York Art Expo Annual Exhibition. New York, U.S.A. The Artist Project, Exhibition Place, Toronto, Canada. |
2010 | McMichael Autumn Art Sale, Kleinburg, Ontario, Canada “Jeremy Bortz and Friends Exhibition”, Rotary Club, Toronto Toronto Outdoor Art Exhibition, Toronto, Nathan Philips Square New York Art Expo Annual Exhibition. New York, U.S.A. Toronto Art Expo Annual Exhibition. Toronto, Ontario, Canada |
2009 | Group Art Exhibition, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada Group Exhibition “Color is My Day”, Distillery District, Arta Gallery Cobourg Waterfront Juried Art Festival. Cobourg, Ontario, Canada New York Art Expo Annual Exhibition. New York, U.S.A. Toronto Art Expo Annual Exhibition. Toronto, Ontario, Canada |
2008 | Toronto Art Expo Annual Exhibition. Toronto, Ontario, Canada |
2006 | Espanola Triathlon Fund Raising Juried Art Show. Espanola, Ontario, Canada |
2005 | First Transkarpatian Art Auction. Uzgorod, Ukraine |
2003 | “New Way” Group Art Show of Ukrainian Artists. Kiev, Ukraine |
2000 | Group Exhibition Bernard Bethel Centre for Creative Living. Toronto, Canada Mel Lastman Square “Fun Day at the Square” Art Show. Toronto, Canada |
1994 | Group Art Show, Sobot Art Gallery, Toronto, Ontario, Canada |
1993 | Group Art Exhibition, Art Interiors Gallery, Toronto, Ontario, Canada Group Show of New Immigrants from Ukraine. Ukrainian-Canadian Art Foundation, Toronto, Ontario, Canada |
1991 | Group Show, Safraim Gallery, Tel-Aviv, Israel |
1990 | Group Show of Ukrainian Surrealist Artists, Lutch Gallery, Mukachevo, Ukraine |